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1631 results returned
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Pain and paresthesia from median nerve compression in carpal tunnel syndrome can have a significant impact on functional hand use. Understanding contributing factors and the chronicity of this pathology is essential for appropriate treatment selection.

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  • Flatfoot Deformities

    Flatfoot deformities present along a progressive spectrum of severity and bony involvement resulting from posterior tibial tendon dysfunction. Flatfoot deformities are staged and may require soft-tissue, bony, or complex reconstruction procedures for deformity correction.

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  • Hallux Rigidus

    Hallux rigidus presents mobility challenges in the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint, limiting normal gait and foot and ankle mechanics. Chronic cases may benefit from cheilectomy, interpositional arthroplasty, and arthrodesis procedures to improve pain and function.

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  • Anterior Glenohumeral Joint Instability

    Glenohumeral joint instability most commonly occurs anteriorly. Current treatment concepts explore advances and indications for surgical management, from labral and ligamentous repair to glenoid reconstruction.

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  • Hallux Valgus

    Hallux valgus is a common source of foot pain and deformity that can significantly impact gait and weight-bearing tolerance. Chronic cases may benefit from osteotomy and arthrodesis procedures to improve pain and function.

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  • Fractures and Syndesmosis

    Fractures and syndesmotic injuries can affect many of the bones that make up the foot and ankle. Varied techniques and implants are available for operative fixation.

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  • Proximal Humerus Fractures

    Proximal humerus fractures encompass a variety of different types, including unifocal, bifocal, and articular fracture patterns. Careful evaluation of the fracture pattern along with patient-specific considerations help determine the most appropriate treatment plan, ranging from nonoperative methods to surgical interventions...

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  • Superior Labrum Anterior Posterior (SLAP) Tears

    Superior labral tears from anterior to posterior, or SLAP tears, are a significant cause of shoulder pain and instability. The classification of SLAP tears will help guide whether conservative or surgical treatment is appropriate.

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  • Lisfranc Injuries

    Lisfranc injuries that affect the ligamentous complex supporting the tarsometatarsal articulation, or Lisfranc joint, can range from mild to severe. Operative fixation is often indicated to restore stability and function to the midfoot.

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  • Hindfoot and Ankle Arthritis

    Hindfoot and ankle osteoarthritis presents along a spectrum of severity, requiring a patient-centered approach to treatment. Current treatment concepts explore advances in arthrodesis techniques, including guidelines for joint preparation, hindfoot nails, and arthroscopic and minimally invasive procedures.

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  • Fractures

    Spanning a multitude of locations, types, and morphology, fractures require proper stabilization to achieve successful bony union after injury. A variety of different implants and fixation techniques are available to achieve successful fracture management when surgical intervention is indicated.

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  • Humeral Shaft Fractures

    Careful evaluation of humeral shaft fractures and execution of surgical fixation are essential to avoid neurovascular involvement. Surgical management may involve a posterior approach, dissection through the triceps, and stabilization through plating and cerclage techniques.

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  • Coronoid Fractures

    While the coronoid process is a much smaller bony projection than the neighboring olecranon, fractures can similarly result in loss of elbow function. Proper fixation of coronoid fractures is essential to maintain upper extremity biomechanics and eliminate instability of the...

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  • Radial Neck Fractures

    Radial neck fractures vary in their level of bony displacement and effect on elbow function. If they impede elbow range of motion, surgical management is typically indicated to restore arm and forearm functions

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  • Radial Head Fractures and Terrible Triad Injuries

    Posterolateral elbow dislocation, coronoid process fractures, and radial head fractures are grouped together and identified as terrible triad injuries. Successful outcomes depend on radiographic indications for varied surgical fixation techniques.

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  • Radial Shaft Fractures

    Surgical approaches for radial shaft fractures vary depending on whether the proximal, middle, or distal third of the radial shaft is affected. Careful surgical planning is needed to preserve forearm musculature and avoid biceps tendon irritation with plating.

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  • Articular Cartilage Pathologies

    Commonly resulting from trauma, recurrent instability, or as a postoperative complication, articular cartilage pathologies of the glenohumeral joint often lead to pain and disability. Early surgical intervention can halt the progression to global cartilage loss and preserve the function of...

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