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Anatomic representation of the knee, including the bones and musculature, surrounded by a blue aura.
10 results returned
  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries

    The integrity of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is essential for translational and rotatory knee kinematics. Current treatment concepts explore advances in arthroscopic techniques, including guidelines for reconstruction and repair, graft selection, and suture augmentation techniques.

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  • Anterolateral Instability

    Working in concert with the ACL, the anterolateral ligament (ALL) plays a role in providing rotatory stability to the knee. Current treatment concepts focus on lateral extra-articular procedures to reduce residual instability after knee injury.

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  • Articular Cartilage Pathologies

    Commonly resulting from trauma or repetitive overload, articular cartilage pathologies of the knee often lead to pain and disability. Early surgical intervention can halt the progression to global cartilage loss and preserve the function of the knee.

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  • Collateral Ligament Injuries

    The collateral ligaments are critical for maintaining medial and lateral knee stability. Injury classification and whether an injury occurs in isolation or contributes to multiligamentous instability will help guide whether conservative or surgical treatment is indicated.

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  • Extensor Mechanism Pathologies

    The extensor mechanism includes the quadriceps femoris, quadriceps tendon, patella, and patellar tendon. Injury to this biomechanical unit can have a debilitating impact on exercise and daily activities, so time-sensitive surgical intervention is often needed to restore function.

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  • Knee Arthritis

    Knee osteoarthritis presents along a spectrum of severity, requiring a patient-centered approach to treatment. Current treatment concepts explore surgical advances, including unicompartmental arthroplasty and high tibial osteotomy.

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  • Meniscal Pathologies

    One of the most common causes of knee pain, meniscal pathologies can have a significant impact on knee kinematics. Current treatment concepts explore advances and indications for surgical management, including meniscal repair and transplantation.

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  • Patellar Fractures

    Because the patella is critical to the function of the extensor mechanism, patella fractures require time-sensitive evaluation and treatment for successful outcomes. If radiographic indications for surgical intervention are present, plate, screw, and cerclage fixation techniques can be used to...

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  • Patellofemoral Joint Pathologies

    Patellar instability resulting from patellofemoral joint pathologies ranges from intermittent subluxation to complete dislocation events. Critical evaluation of the mechanisms of injury and anatomic variations of the patellofemoral joint is essential for appropriate treatment selection.

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  • Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Injuries

    While less common than ACL injuries, posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injuries can have a significant impact on knee stability. PCL tear classification will help guide whether conservative or surgical treatment is indicated.

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