The ankle syndesmosis plays an integral role in stabilizing the ankle joint. Syndesmotic injuries commonly occur with concomitant ankle injury and require careful evaluation of the injury pattern to help determine treatment options, ranging from nonoperative methods to surgical interventions involving fibular nails or suture implants.
Ankle Syndesmosis
Ankle Syndesmosis Injury: General Surgical Considerations
Ankle Fracture and Syndesmosis Injury: Syndesmosis Repair With a TightRope® XP Implant
Ankle Fracture and Syndesmosis Injury: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation With a Distal Fibular Locking Plate and the Syndesmotic TightRope® Implant
Ankle Fracture and Syndesmosis Injury: Intramedullary Fixation With the FibuLock® Fibular Nail System
Ankle Fracture and Syndesmosis Injury: Anterior Inferior Tibiofibular Ligament Repair Using the InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure and a Titanium Ankle Fracture Plate
Foot and Ankle Arthroscopy Essentials: Using the NanoNeedle Scope for Visualizing Ankle Pathology
Dr. Fleming Demonstrates Tips and Pearls for Ankle Fracture and Syndesmosis Injuries: Syndesmosis Manual Reduction
Dr. Morra Demonstrates Tips and Pearls for Ankle Syndesmosis Injuries: TightRope® Repair Hemostat
Dr. Neary Demonstrates Tips and Pearls for Ankle Fractures and Syndesmotic Injuries: Holding Syndesmotic Reduction
Dr. Patton Demonstrates Tips and Pearls for Ankle Fracture and Syndesmosis Injuries: One-Handed Water Ski for TightRope® XP Implant
Dr. Rigby Demonstrates Tips and Pearls for Ankle Fractures and Syndesmosis Injuries: Restoring Length During Syndesmosis Reduction
Ankle Fractures in 2020: Part 3—FibuLock® Fibular Nail Technique With the TightRope® XP Implant
Controversies in Foot and Ankle Surgery: Resynergizing the Syndesmosis
Flexible Syndesmotic Fixation in the Trauma Patient: Part 1—The Evolution of Our Thinking on the Syndesmosis
Flexible Syndesmotic Fixation in the Trauma Patient: Part 2—Ankle Syndesmotic Fixation Case Studies
Foot and Ankle Fellowship Forum: Syndesmotic Reduction—My Preferred Approach
Foot and Ankle OTIF: Is It Worth a Second Surgery?
Foot and Ankle OTIF: Syndesmosis Injuries—Through the Eyes of a Traumatologist
Foot and Ankle Surgery Symposium: Syndesmosis TightRope® Implant: An Overview
Innovations in Foot and Ankle Surgery: Part 3—Ankle Syndesmosis Panel Discussion