Patrick A. Smith, MD
ACL Injuries: Arthroscopic-Assisted ACL Reconstruction BTB Graft Using the BTB TightRope® Technique
ACL Injuries: ACL Primary Repair Using the ACL Repair TightRope® Implant and FiberRing™ Sutures
ACL Injuries: Hamstring Tendon Graft Preparation for the GraftLink® Technique Using a TightRope® II Implant and the InternalBrace™ Technique
ACL Injuries: Arthroscopic All-Inside ACL Reconstruction Using the GraftLink® and InternalBrace™ Techniques and TightRope® II Implant
Knee Meniscal Pathology: All-Inside Meniscus Repair Using the Meniscal Cinch™ II System
Patellofemoral Joint Pathology: MPFL Reconstruction Using SwiveLock® Anchors and Tenodesis Screw Fixation
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries: Literature Review on ACL Reconstruction With InternalBrace™ Technique
ACL Tears: Literature Review on Primary ACL Repair
Meniscal Pathologies: Literature Review on Biomechanical Results of Various Meniscal Repair Techniques
FiberStitch™ Implant Biomechanical Research for Knee Meniscal Repair
OTIF: LMORT Meniscal Pathology—Root Equivalent
Sports Medicine Fellowship Forum: ACL Repair—Applications and Technical Pearls
Sports Medicine Fellowship Forum: Applications in Knee Surgery and What's on the Horizon
Anterolateral Ligament Augmentation With ACL Reconstruction
SutureLoc™ Implant: Making the Case
SutureLoc™ Implant: Lessons Learned
SutureLoc™ Implant: The Patient Experience
Knee Arthritis: Literature Review on ACP Max™ Platelet-Rich Plasma System